
Post Office Girl


The post Office girl by Stefan Zweig is a story about a unfortunate girl living in poverty who has a difficult life. Her life is monotonous and drab but she is content. One day she gets a telegram from a rich relative in Austria inviting her to stay in a grand hotel. She gets there and is initially overwhelmed by all the opulence but after a while she becomes used to it. Suddenly her aunt tells her she needs to move back to her village. After living an opulent life her former life becomes unbearable to her. I chose this text because I wanted to explore a story where the character experiences major change and use the imagery to reflect that. Part One is Monotony, to depict this, black and white images were used with a long shutter speed. Part Two is Adventure, to depict this, double exposed vibrant images were used to show the overload of opulence she experiences. Part Three is Desperation, to depict this, images were collaged into a kaleidoscope like fashion.